Achteck Volieren

Due to decades of experience in birdkeeping I developed an aviary system which can be extended size-wise as well as according to technology and equipment. The system is maintenance-free due to our eloxed aluminium frame parts and hot dipped tellises with diferrent mesh apertures.


Installation and extension of the system is easy due to a rotating sliding mortise system which is suitable for all fittings and accessoires (e.g. supporters for sitting bars and nesting boxes).

Achteck Volieren

Enclosed mounting instructions for the installation of all premanufactured connections shows the simplicity of this system.


In our catalogue you will see outdoor aviaries ranging form the "Brasilien" type up to the "Guyana" type which can be supplied with different mesh apertures.


Optionall, light cuplolas, glass fiber plastics or double-webbed plates in the standard widths can be used for protection against weather.

The indoor aviaries called "Kamerun", "Kongo" and "Mexico" can be extended in length and width shown in the center of the catalogue. All indoor aviaries are equipped with a chest of exrement which can be pulled out of both sides.


Due to its standard width of approx. 70 cm the "Mexico" type aviary fits trough every terrace doors and can be extended like an outdoor aviary in the grid of 342-690 and 1,032 mm.


The equipment for food can be supplied in two variation:


As a turning ring for two bowls or food flap for three bowls both can be supplied in aluminum or high-grade steel. All doors of the outdoor aviaries open inwards and outwards as well as to the right or left side.

Achteck Volieren

Our aviaries can be supplied in the standard heights of 1,700 mm, 2064 mm and 3,096mm Using a special construction. It is possible to achieve a height of 4128mm with trellises of 25 x 2 mm.


Beginning with page... you will find equipment and spare parts for aviaries.


Mounting instruchtions indetail for mounting and fitting of all elements and accessories can be found on pages....The construction of a hexagonal or octagonal aviary in different dimension (catalogue pages) is possible at any time due to our standard parts and special angles.

As you might have noticed already, our elements can be mounted plelme-free as cages for cats, ferrets or rabbits.
